Streams of Encounter
30.01.2003 – 23.03.2003
Streams of Encounter– electronic media based artworks
curated by Andreas Walther
This exhibit displays art whose basic media consists of machinery, electronics or electronic media. These works are acts of conversation, with many different connections – a condensing process in space and time. Themes presented by active artists of Taiwan and Germany are integrated: on one hand, they point out that in the new era of globalization, new media is the mainstay of the new world order; the mixing of different countries and the establishing of a global network is realized, shrinking distances in space and time. On the other hand, in the backdrop of creative forces hailing from different backgrounds, we hope to analyze what differentiates the two sides, what connects them, and if they can maintain their own uniqueness.
Taipei Fine Arts Museum
No.181, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,
Taipei City 10461,