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Garage Museum of Contemporary Art: Collection Nina Zaretskaya (TV Gallery)



Collection Nina Zaretskaya (TV Gallery)


An international online platform bringing together archives on Russian art from the postwar period to the present.



Marcello Mercado. Las Nubes



Marcello Mercado. El Vacío



Marcello Mercado. Region del Tormento



9/32 Krymsky Val st.,
119049 Moscow

Artists – Visions of death



Artists – Visions of death



Stan Brakhage
The Act of Seeing with One’s Own Eye


Stan Brakhage_Lectures_revised (pdf)




Marcello Mercado
El Vacío – Empiness


Marcello Mercado_Lecture_revised (pdf)




Derek Jarman



Maya Deren

Meshes of the Afternoon

with synchronized Soundtrack by Teiji Ito (1959)




Stan Brakhage
The Garden of Earthly Delights




Nagisa Oshima
Death by Hanging




Guy Maddin
The Heart Of The World




Dušan Makavejev
WR: Mysteries of the Organism
1971 (Fragment)




Benjamin Christensen
HAXAN Witchcraft Through the Ages




E. Elias Merhige





Archive: ADA – Archive of Digital Art




Archive: ADA – Archive of Digital Art





As a pioneer in the field of Media Arts research, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART (ADA) has documented the rapidly evolving field of digital art since 1999. This research-oriented overview of works at the intersection of art, science, and technology has been developed in cooperation with international media artists, researchers and institutions as a collective project.




Since todays digital artworks are processual, ephemeral, interactive, multimedia-based, and fundamentally context dependent because of their different structure, they require a modified, or «expanded concept of documentation.» We ascribe high importance to artistic inventions like innovative interfaces, displays or software.




The Austrian Science Fund funded project “Interactive Archive and Meta-Thesaurus for Media Art Research (AT.MAR)” implemented social software into the database. The new web-based, cost-free instrument allows individuals to post material themselves.

With video documentations, technical data, artist statements, academic texts, artistic inventions, discussions as well as bibliographical information, exhibitions and events, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART is the most comprehensive resource in the field. It will contribute to the development of Media Art Research and the systematic preservation of the art of our time.









Archive: RECORD>AGAIN! – Teil 2, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie




Archive: RECORD>AGAIN! – Teil 2, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie



Record Again! : [anlässlich der Ausstellung RECORD>AGAIN! – Teil 2, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 17. Juli bis 6. September 2009 ; Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, 18. September bis 15. November 2009 ; Kunsthaus Dresden, 28. November 2009 bis 14. Februar 2010 ; Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg, 16. Februar bis 16. Mai 2010] / hrsg. von Christoph Blase ; Peter Weibel. [Übers.: Anja Welle …].

Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
Ausstellung Record Again! – Teil 2, 2009 – 2010, Karlsruhe u.a.
Blase, Christoph [Hrsg.]
Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2010.

Freie Universität Berlin
Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18
14195 Berlin


ArchivesSpace Public Interface




ArchivesSpace Public Interface


From the Collection: The collection consists of office files, artists files, audio and video recordings, programs, posters, photographs and artifacts and ephemera relating to the Performance Art Festival (PAF) held annually from 1988-1999 in Cleveland, OH. Created and collected by festival founder Thomas Mulready, the PAF Archive was donated to Case Western Reserve University in 2015.


These files contain application forms, photographs, newspaper clippings, books, and other textual explanatory material. They may also include audiocasettes, CDs and CD-ROMs, posters, correspondence between the artist and Mulready.

Also, of note are the festival performances that were recorded on video tape, usually from two camera angles, and which make up a large part of the archive. Over 100 performers would participate over the several days of the festival each year.





Mercado, Marcello, 2003

File — Box: 12, Folder: 26
Identifier: 4


ArchivesSpace Public Interface


Built for archives by archivists, ArchivesSpace is the open source archives information management application for managing and providing web access to archives, manuscripts and digital objects.