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Goethe Institute Córdoba, Argentina





Marcello Mercado
Contact with Dead animal

Performance – Installation



Goethe – Institut Córdoba Argentina

Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 646
X5000JHT Córdoba



Like some substance in a solution,l split myself into electrically positive or
negative succesions under the rule of quartz lamps and the espectroscope…
Most comfortable and appropriate, most comfortable and appropriate…
for the ultraviolet lamp, for the color areas that grow bigger.
I´m a bubble structure holding a green-fiber easily-collapsable mass.

Marcello Mercado


Poster :
Victoria García Castellanos and Adrián Manavella


Chorus. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Directed by Gustavo Espada


Santiago Pérez
Soledad Sánchez Goldar
Hernán Sevilla
Gonzalo Vallés
Bernardo Vallejo


Music composed by Marcello Mercado
Sound Post-production Marcos Carreño and Jorge Helena