The project Global Teleconference – Salon Digital
Opening of ZKM Museum
The project Global Teleconference – Salon Digital
ZKM_Salon Digital
20 Goethe Instituts all around the world on the internet, delivering multimedia commentaries on the human image.
The project Global Teleconference – Salon Digital, based on a concept of Australian media artist Jill Scott, celebrated the opening of the media art museum at the Centre for Art and Media – Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany.
Artists contributed images, texts and sound to the web site prior to and during the event, as well as delivering work during the liveCUSeeMe event at the Goethe Institut.
During the evening the Goethe Institut was connected ‘online’ with institutes in Tokyo, Hong Kong and Seoul and the ZKM, Karlsruhe. Local contents included sound, text and image contributions to the ZKM web site, which was being projected locally, whilst simultaneously poetry readings, video and slide projections, text and sound works were all being fed into the CU-SeeMe project. Whilst unexpectedly high traffic levels and demands on the ZKM site provided some difficulty in getting sounds and images from other sites around the world, the combination of sending works to ZKM and projecting video, the web site and CU-SeeMe made for an exciting and dynamic evening.
This project was an initiative of the Goethe Institut and the ZKM. ANAT provided technical advice and assistance with artist liaison.
Goethe Institut Buenos Aires:
Sections of Nothing -Nothing
Netart Project 1997 Argentine
was a live interactive digital performace celebrating the opening of the Center for Art and Media (ZKM)
There will only be central compartments and solid ducts will be removed.
I will reproduce various objects and grisly details. I, minimal-hole in the monstrous
construction of the blood. And, isolated, I exalt my most-favored physiological characteristics
within my kin, naturally based on genetic laws and according to scientific and rational criteria.
I-economic; I-technological. I support my self with cunning and skill. “Here I am”-I tell myself.
I am a very vascularized-fibrous-capsule under water processes and its familiar relationships.
Words / Are Recognized As / Boiling Point In Advance /
I Stretch Over Huge Sale Signs / And Signs Advertising /
Therapeutic Properties / My Skin Folds /Are Growing Bigger /
Due To An Excess Of Food Salt / I‚m Maimed-Infected-Enlarged- /
Expanded-Ocluded-Degenerated By / Food Systems That Forge /
A Death Cavity / One‚s A Unique Hole / Infinite-Hole-Tame-Hole/
Marcello Mercado
ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
Goethe Institutes – Global Bodies Event / 15.2.1998
Global Bodies
1. Are our eyes our Targets?
2. Do we become what we see?
3. How do you think technology will change our body?
Audio Transmission. The Moderator on this end will say «enter Moscow»
at this point you have the floor and he may ask questions or answer
When you finish please say «Moscow Out» Then the floor reverts back to
…this continues «thank you Moscow» «enter Turin» «Turin out» «thank
you Turin»
Short list of commmands:
Want to speak type………………ENTER
Wait for Cue from Moderator says ……………»enter Tokyo»
Begin Speaking…………..speak
When Finished …………..speak ……………»Tokyo Out»
Moderator will ………….speak…………….»Thanks Tokyo»
The project Cándido Valdez Cabeza de Vaca (1997) integrates two visions of a common body: Argentina.
( Links recovered by (Not completely OK)
«Cabeza de Vaca is the nonsense and insensibility of the conveyance of 200 years of history till 1989 (colonisation, military juntas and death). This is the body of Argentina’s history perceived as devastation, as appropriation of nature and public space.
Valdez is the present time, since 1989: the (post)modern, (post mortem) age of globalisation, that means Mac Donalds and CNN. He materializes a modern traveller, a sort of dull «Wanderer» through present times and spaces enhancing his trivial mind with information of TV. His entity is not virtual, but medial: he exists through CNN. Both entities (CNN and cows as colonised public land and space) are real: this is not a virtual work.»
Gabriela Massuh
Salón Digital fue una teleconferencia Global organizada por el Goethe- Institut
y el ZKM de Karlsruhe con motivo de la inauguración de éste último el 18 de octubre.Desde Boston, Buenos Aires, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Johannesburg,
Madrid, México DF, Moscu, New Delhi, San Francisco, Sidney Tokio,
Wellington, se creó la primera obra de arte en el espacio virtual .
Desde Buenos Aires se produce una obra digital especialmente para esa ocasión.
Mercado(Córdoba) und Jorge La Ferla (Buenos Aires) aus Buenos Aires
entwarfen ein digitales Kunstwerk eigens fuer diese Veranstaltung
«Una investigacion bifronte de la identidad argentina, y la colonización
mediatica del espacio público. Textos intimistas, altamente politizados,
integrados en un grafismo de colores fuertes y motivos simbólicos.
Un panorama cronológico que va de 1955 al 2010»
(Vicente Carretón Cano/Ars Interruptus/Festival de Vídeo de Navarra 1998
3. Arte digital Diario Clarín. 02 de agosto de 2002. Buenos Aires. Argentina. [+]