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Marcello Mercado, Portfolio, Filmography, 2024



Marcello Mercado





Burning Garden
7m 43″, colour, stereo, HD, 2024, Argentina


Listening the chromosome 17

21m 02″, colour, stereo, HD, 2023, Argentina


Testflüge . Test flights

10m 04″, colour, silent, HD, 2023, Germany


To whom does the time belong?

1h 03m, stereo, black/white, 2020, Germany


Curves, compost, forecasts and enclosure

10min 51″, stereo, colour, 2020, Argentina


Procesar Destruir Representar Archivar

5m, silent, 2020, Argentina


Bestiary for the minds of the 21st Century: Genomic Opera

16:9 2016 colour 2-channel video installation, stereo, Germany


Das Kapital Teil 1– Capital Part 1, version 2015

15 ́ 58” colour/ b/w 2015 stereo, PAL, Germany


vibrational notations Generator
09 ́ color PAL stereo 2015
4-channel video installation, silent, 9 ́ loop


Sketches of matrixes with several functions

03 ́ 50“ color PAL silent 2015
4-channel video installation


Van Gogh Variations (Variationen Van Gogh)
16:9 colour 2014 7-channel video installation, stereo, Germany


Wie die Leoparden, Leoparden fingen (How leopards caught leopards)

20 ́41″ colour 16:9 2014 single-channel video installation, stereo, Germany


Spätherbst (Late fall)
09 ́35″ color/b/w 4:3 2014 single-channel video installation, stereo, Germany


Meta Documentary
03 ́19″ color/b/w 4:3 2014 single-channel video installation, stereo, Germany


Sommer (Summer)
16 ́28″ color/b/w 4:3 2014 single-channel video installation, stereo, Germany


ABANDON(ware) Capital excess routine

11 ́44″ color 16:9 2013 videoinstallation, stereo, Germany


Tonspur – Bildspur (Sound trace -Image trace)
08 ́ 12″ color 16:9 2013 video installation, stereo, Germany


15 ́ colour 1999-2012 video installation, stereo, Germany


27 ́ 42″ color 4:3 2012 performance, stereo, Germany


Paisajes con vacas
07 ́52″ colour 2012 video installation, stereo, Germany – Argentina


Historia del arte argentino
01 ́07″ B/W 2012 video installation, silent, Argentina


SUMMA – Notations
04 ́ 12″ B/W stereo, PAL, Germany


10 ́ 06″ color 2012 stereo, PAL, Germany


Live streamings from Dolmens
05 ́ 11″ color 2011 stereo, PAL, Danmark


transferring, storing, sharing, and hybriding: Text_version

05 ́ 31″ B/W 2011 stereo, PAL, Germany


New Automata
17 ́ 34″ color 2011 stereo, PAL, 16:9 Germany 2011


Ooops! Enter text.
05 ́ 52″ color 2011 stereo, PAL, 16:9 Germany


Discourse on the trade of the winds
12 ́ 39″ color 2011 stereo, PAL, Germany- South Africa- Danmark


Variations of the complementary game for up to four automaton states

45 ́ 11″ color 2011 stereo, PAL, 16:9 Germany


Hasse diagram for a propositional calculus for three automatons

25 ́ 02″ color 2011 stereo, PAL, 16:9 Germany


The Universes
1h. 02″ color 2011 stereo, PAL, 16:9 Germany


transfering, storing, sharing and hybriding: The perfect humus

9 ́ 27″ color 2010 stereo, PAL, Germany-Danmark


The Capital Part1
60 ́ color/ b/w 2009 stereo, PAL, Germany


Electroluminiscent – The Luminiscent Animation

10 ́ 57″ color 2009 stereo, PAL, Germany


Bioluminiscent – The Luminiscent Animation

10 ́ 57″ color 2009 stereo, PAL, Germany


5 ́01″ color 2009 stereo, PAL, Germany


21 ́26″ color 2006-2009 stereo, PAL, Germany


Captured Sequences
24 ́31″ b/w 2008 stereo, PAL, Germany


Primordial Capital: Stone-artefacts
18 ́ color 1999-2008 stereo, PAL, Germany


Wir alle vermissen die D-Mark oder 
Clara Schumann’s DNA Konzert

7 ́35″ color 2008 stereo, PAL, Germany


13 ́ 31″ color 2008 video installation, stereo, PAL, Germany



4 ́ 48” color 2008 stereo, PAL, Germany


Making consistent volatile ideas…(Backstage)

1 ́ 13″ color 2008 stereo, PAL, Germany


Fassbinder – Vostell – DNA expedition

25 ́ 36“ color PAL stereo 2008 2-channel video installation


Making consistent volatile ideas by broadcasting bio-information
through plants,

DNA, worms and Radio Frecquencies
34 ́color 2007 stereo, PAL, Germany


Ur-Suppe. Primordial soup
7 ́57″ color 2007 stereo, PAL, Germany-South Africa


Ur-Jäger. Primordial Hunters
12 ́07″ color 2007 stereo, PAL, Germany-South Africa


The hybridization of real and virtual war

38 ́ b/w 2007 stereo, PAL, Germany


Series of periodical bilinear Surfaces
6 ́ 31″ color 2006 stereo, PAL, Germany


The on-coming water
24 ́ color 2006 stereo, PAL, Danmark


20 ́ color 2006 stereo, PAL, Germany


FFFF FFFS FFSS SSSS, The Pluripotent and the Eleven hESC lines

86 ́color 2006 stereo, PAL, Germany


5 ́ 04″ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany


The hebbian Theory
8 ́ 06″ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Brazil- Germany


The Chemical and Physical Perception, 
in the Eye of the cat in the moment of the cut
12 ́ 58“ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany


19 ́15“ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany


3 ́ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany


7 ́ 17” color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany

 Self-portrait as a spider
3 ́ 19” color 2005 stereo, PAL, Danmark


The ability to backup
3 ́ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Denmark


Untertitel mit Landschaft
25 ́color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany- Danmark


Apparatus for Regulating the Watch
30 ́ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany (2-channels-Installation)


Regulating the Watch
30 ́ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany


Weitere Multiplikationen

21 ́35“ color 2005 stereo, PAL, Germany


Hydantoin-derivative-Ich muß…

4 ́color 2004 stereo, PAL, Germany


28 ́color 2004 mono-stereo, PAL, Danmark


24 ́ color 2004 stereo, PAL, Germany


Das Kapital.07
17 ́color 2003 stereo, PAL, Germany – France – USA – Argentina


4 ́color 2001 stereo, PAL, Brasil


Tote Hunde bissen nicht (Dead dogs don ́t bite)

15 ́ 43″ color 2000 stereo, PAL, Germany


The Hierophant Part I The updates and the subscribers
06 ́ color 2000 stereo, PAL, Germany (updates 2011 and 2012)


38% und Simulationen
10 ́ color 2000 stereo, PAL, Germany


The Capital v.01 and v.02
17 ́ 37″ color 1999-2000 stereo, PAL, Germany


The Capital v.03 and v.04
13 ́ color 2000-2001 stereo, PAL, Germany


The Capital: Slow, unstable…
13 ́ color 1999 stereo, PAL, Germany


Wie ich die fetale landschaft manipuliert habe

5 ́ 55“ color 1999 – 2000 stereo, PAL, Germany


Die Energie der Bakterien
19 ́ 51“color 1999 stereo, PAL, Germany


Das Kapital: Fall Dateien gelöscht
9 ́ 48“ color 1999 stereo, PAL, Germany


Re-routing biopockets
20 ́ 41“ color 1999 stereo, PAL, Germany


Die Konstruktion genetischer Cromosomenkarten

59 ́ 48“ color 1999 PAL, stereo, Germany


Politik (1)
11 ́ 23″ color 1999 stereo, PAL, Germany


The coefficient of fiction Part .01
5 ́16″ B/W 1994 mono, PAL, Argentina


Richter Variationen
8 ́ 37″ color 1999 stereo, PAL, Germany


A Vanishing Quantity in the mathematical sin

12 ́ color 1999 stereo, PAL, Germany


The End of the XY Society
11 ́ color 1998 mono, PAL, Argentina


The Warm Place
38 ́ color 1998 stereo, PAL, Argentina


The Edge of Rain
42 ́color 1995 stereo, PAL, Argentina


Remains of my Mother
15 ́ color 1995 stereo, PAL, Argentina


The Silence
15 ́47“ color 1995 mute PAL Argentina


Discussing with you some very important 
scientific newspaper of the day

1 ́36“ color 1994 mono, PAL, Argentina


14 ́ color 1994 mono, PAL, Argentina


The coefficient of fiction Part .01
14 ́ B/W 1994 mono, PAL, Argentina


The Torment Zone
9 ́color 1992 mono, PAL, Argentina


8 ́color b/w 1992 mono, PAL, Argentina


Reset all Settigs
49 ́42″ color 1990 mono, PAL, Argentina