I’m floating on procaryote-eucaryote fluids.
I’m evolving towards an ecosystem
governed by microbes.
I’m between the nucleation of water
and a dead planet.
I’m floating on procaryote-eucaryote fluids.
I’m evolving towards an ecosystem
governed by microbes.
I’m between the nucleation of water
and a dead planet.
Ich treibe durch Prokaryonten-Eukaryonten-Flüssigkeiten.
Ich bewege mich auf ein Ökosystem zu,
das von Mikroben beherrscht wird.
Ich stehe zwischen der Entstehung des Wassers
und einem toten Planeten.
Estoy flotando en fluidos procariota-eucariota.
Estoy evolucionando hacia un ecosistema
gobernado por microbios.
Estoy entre la nucleación del agua
y un planeta muerto.
Marcello Mercado’s work is research as practice: the artist engages with a culture of experimentation and his work spans a wide range of media of equal importance. Analogue working methods form a vital part of the artist’s work, in addition to his use of data string processing, genetic materials and advanced technologies as media, which he engages with playfully as if he were playing a keyboard. He is a poetic artist; both a transformer and seismograph, he bridges gaps between digital and organic worlds.
Mercado’s canvases in oil, acrylic, and pigments move between the fictitious and the real, the figurative and the abstract. And the video works are the result of intensive periods of research in which he seeks to generate an objectified and audio-visual sense of time.
Mercado’s strategy with his large format drawings is a collaboration with small robots that he deliberately despatches across the paper. When steered remotely or via their own movements, they create fine layers, linear figures and a kinetic, electrified registrar that Mercado redraws and accentuates in a figurative manner. With these works, the artist aims to discover and sketch all possible micro elements and details, to render the invisible visible.
In the limitless, indefinable body of work, alphanumerical sequences, embryos, DNA, software, and painting walk hand in hand. Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in the work by the artist, who straddles the boundaries between video art, board, soundart, performance, netart, and painting.
In these works, the line, the dot, the human body, and society are approached as living beings, which illustrate commentaries on the contemporary experience. In vertiginous collages, cellular multiplications and other organic processes, which obey solely their own laws, appear side by side with the seemingly messy amalgam of nuances from a world ruled by confusion and data overload.